[GitHub] Tibor17 commented on issue #206: SUREFIRE-1610: Add skipUTs flag to SurefirePlugin
2018-12-09 19:12:59 UTC
Tibor17 commented on issue #206: SUREFIRE-1610: Add skipUTs flag to SurefirePlugin
URL: https://github.com/apache/maven-surefire/pull/206#issuecomment-445563094

`skipTests` has not been deprecated yet because it's a common code for both plugins, but we should try to do it clear in our documentation and deprecate it in Failsafe.
Then you won't have any profiles with versions `3.0.0+`.

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2018-12-09 19:32:12 UTC
Tibor17 commented on issue #206: SUREFIRE-1610: Add skipUTs flag to SurefirePlugin
URL: https://github.com/apache/maven-surefire/pull/206#issuecomment-445564531

You may do it without profile with a little trick in POM `properties` if you define your naming conventions to skip unit tests and integration tests. Then map `skipTests` in your property.
Regarding a common property, it already exists `maven.test.skip`, e.g. `mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true`.

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2018-12-09 20:10:36 UTC
Tibor17 commented on issue #206: SUREFIRE-1610: Add skipUTs flag to SurefirePlugin
URL: https://github.com/apache/maven-surefire/pull/206#issuecomment-445567353

Then specify a property e.g. `maven.test.skip.exec` in your POM.
It is also deprecated and will be removed in `3.0.0`.
Later in `3.0.0` your POM may declare a properties:
The property `maven.test.skip.exec` becomes yours.
If you run Maven build with `-Dmaven.test.skip.exec=true` in CLI, you would skip all (since of 3.0.0).
If you run with `-DskipTests` you simply override the property declaration in your POM and CLI takes precedents.

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2018-12-09 20:17:12 UTC
Tibor17 commented on issue #206: SUREFIRE-1610: Add skipUTs flag to SurefirePlugin
URL: https://github.com/apache/maven-surefire/pull/206#issuecomment-445567823

It would be worth to write these best practices in documentation for `3.0.0`.

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2018-12-09 20:32:50 UTC
Tibor17 commented on issue #206: SUREFIRE-1610: Add skipUTs flag to SurefirePlugin
URL: https://github.com/apache/maven-surefire/pull/206#issuecomment-445569026

Yes it is longer of course, but this trick can be done on your side. As you can see we want to utilize a new movement to major version and do what can be done only there. We had to split our activities to multiple release candidates and slowly change the plugins starting by those changes which are not invasive to users and the last release candidate would break the compatibility. This is the only chance for us in the history after many years where we can make necessary cleanup and least break your projects. Long time we added more and more stuff and configuration parameter after which the bad has turned to us and complicated everything in ASF Maven and user's too.

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2018-12-09 18:34:33 UTC
Tibor17 commented on issue #206: SUREFIRE-1610: Add skipUTs flag to SurefirePlugin
URL: https://github.com/apache/maven-surefire/pull/206#issuecomment-445560406

This is not ideal approach to add one more parameter.
I guess you have a problem with the system property used by both plugins the same and you cannot segregate them. Is it so?
We had an ambition to add prefixes `surefire` and `failsafe` in the old system properties which do not have them. At the same time we should remove `skipTests` from `maven-failsafe-plugin` because this was long time associated with unit tests and thus `maven-surefire-plugin`. On the other side the `maven-failsafe-plugin` has a better property to use `skipITs`. Since the `skip***` system properties are so famous and have been used everywhere, we should not add prefixes for those; otherwise we broke all the world. We can make it with other system properties. We want to remove deprecated config paramaters in the last milestone of 3.0.0. One more reason to do these unpopular changes is the fact that system properties without prefixes interfere with other plugins.

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