[GitHub] khmarbaise commented on a change in pull request #47: Improve output
2018-12-10 20:29:42 UTC
khmarbaise commented on a change in pull request #47: Improve output
URL: https://github.com/apache/maven-enforcer/pull/47#discussion_r240368459

File path: enforcer-rules/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugins/enforcer/RequirePluginVersions.java
@@ -278,8 +278,9 @@ public void execute( EnforcerRuleHelper helper )
newMsg.append( "SNAPSHOT " );
- newMsg.append( "are not allowed )\n" );
+ newMsg.append( "are not allowed)" );
+ newMsg.append( "\n" );
for ( Plugin plugin : failures )

Review comment:
Shouldn't we use `System.lineSeparator()` instead of `\n` ?

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